The Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School believes a sound co-curricular program should be an integral part of the total education of the individual. Therefore, we extend the privilege of taking part in our programs to all students who are able to meet the standards set up by our school, organizations and/or institutions. Activities offer an opportunity for all pupils to gain valuable experience which will contribute toward high moral standards and school citizenship. Students should consider it their honor to take part in and/or support the programs of BAVTS, the success of which will bring honor and recognition to the individual and our school. BAVTS offers co-curricular activities through our Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). Some organizations are supplemental to the career and technical programs. In some instances, CTSOs carry membership fees and/or specific requirements for participation. Students should contact advisors for further information. It must be emphasized that students involved in extracurricular activities carry a great responsibility in representing BAVTS wherever they are. The manner in which they carry themselves determines, in good measure, the reputation of our programs and activities. Any member who fails to maintain the required record of scholastic achievement or whose conduct in unbecoming to the CTSO and its stated purposes, may be removed for cause from membership by the Administration.
A co-curricular student organization which is an integral part of trade, industrial, and technical education. SkillsUSA enhances the education of students by preparing or advancing their careers in the service, manufacturing, technical, trade and industrial occupations. SkillsUSA promotes leadership opportunities, competitive events and achievement/recognition activities at the local, district, state and national levels. All career and technical students can participate in SkillsUSA. www.Skillsusa.org
A non-profit honors organization for students enrolled in occupational, career and technical programs. The purpose of NTHS is to promote service, leadership, honesty, career development, skilled workmanship, and to reward student achievement. The NTHS is the benchmark for excellence in workforce education, encouraging students to give their BEST. It also helps students to build workplace values that are demanded in today’s quality-driven business and Industry. www.nths.org
A national student organization that provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation and recognition exclusively for secondary, post-secondary, collegiate and adult students enrolled in health occupations education course or instructional programs. HOSA is an integral part of approved health occupation programs. HOSA promotes leadership opportunities, competitive events and achievement/recognition activities on local, state and national levels. Health Occupation students join HOSA. www.hosa.org
Cooperative Education
Available to students who have completed six successful quarters of study in their CTE program. Students who have met all classroom competencies and the expected requirements for grades, attendance, work habits and discipline are eligible to participate in work-study experiences within the community. The program instructor’s recommendation is required. The work environment is used as a site for education which enables the students to gain practical experience in their chosen career. Students are required to attend a weekly cooperative education class at BAVTS. Students must provide their own transportation to the work site.
Employer's Guide To Cooperative Education
Involves on-site training at a live-work facility. This experience is not to exceed 45 days. Students must meet the guidelines and often must provide their own transportation to the work site.
Job Shadows
This is a community-based career exploration activity permitting the student to work alongside an employee or employer for one or more days to learn about a particular occupation or industry. Transportation can be provided by the student, parent or BAVTS.
Articulation Agreements
Most of our programs have agreements with Post-Secondary Institutions that allow students to earn college credits for the coursework they've completed at BAVTS - Standards apply.
Dual Enrollment
Students have opportunities to enroll in college classes that apply to their career goals at BAVTS. In many instances tuition is free as long as the student meet specific performance standards
Most of our programs have industry recognized certifications that students can obtain throughout their tenure at BAVTS. Most costs related to certification are covered by school providing the student meets specific performance standards.
who have
their program of study at BAVTS will take a program specific NOCTI test. Students who score advanced on the written and performance portion of the test will receive a Pennsylvania Skills Certificate.
The activities of the Foundation shall be conducted in furtherance of the purposes set forth in its Articles of Incorporation and in such manner as to accomplish the following general objectives:
(a) To provide charitable and educational aid in the form of money and other forms of property and services to the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School and to persons, associations, and corporations associated therewith;
(b) To promote education and any proper activity of Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School;
(c) To encourage research and learning and the dissemination of information, relating thereto at the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School; and
(d) To support public higher education in the several pursuits and professions of life.
Those who wish to contribute to the Foundation should make checks payable to Bethlehem AVTS Bridges Foundation.